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Bathroom Renovation Guide

Bathroom cleaning tips


Give your bathroom that extra sparkle and shine with these simple cleaning tips.


reece bathroom cleaning taps

Household heroes

White vinegar or baking soda will leave drains, sinks and toilets squeaky clean.

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Floss your taps

Remove grime from the base of your tap using dental floss.

reece bathroom tiles cleaning

Spritz your tiles

Use a spray bottle filled with hot water and all-purpose cleaner, wait 15 minutes, wipe clean.

reece bathroom tap cleaning

Wonder walls

Wipe away dust and scuffs with sugar soap or all-purpose cleaner.

reece bathroom shine mirror

High shine

Polish mirrors, taps, tiles and shower screens with a microfiber cloth.

Reece bathroom exhaust fan

Air it out

Keep steam and mould at bay by ventilating your space.

Shower screen protection

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How to

Nanokote is a protective coating which can be applied to your shower screes. It provides a perfectly anti- stick surface repelling everything, including water, to stop corrosion of surfaces lasting up to 10 years.


Why its good

Nanokote means you don't need to clean your shower screen nearly as often, and when you do, it only takes a quick wipe.

All about grout

How to clean grout

bathroom cleaning tips

Step 1

Remove dirt and dust with a damp cloth

reece wall tiles bathroom renovation

Step 2

Divide your tiled floor or wall into sections

reece grout claning bathroom tiles

Step 3

Spray on the grout cleaner, leave for 10 minutes

reece bathroom grout cleaning tips

Scrub the area with a dry toothbrush/grout tool

reece bathroom water cleaning

Step 5

Wipe clean with water and a cloth

bathroom tile cleaning shie

Step 6

Repeat if needed



How to

If your grout is discoloured it may be time to grab an old toothbrush and get scrubbing.




Why do it?

It’s not the nicest chore, but sparkling clean grout will have your bathroom looking like new.