Cabero CH series evaporators are typically used in walk-in cool and freezer rooms with ceiling heights of 2 metres or more and 500mm fan models with ceiling heights of 3 metres or more. CH evaporators are commonly used in in fast food outlets, butchers shops, fruit and vegetable shops and general purpose coolrooms and freezers. Plentiful air movement is provided by the quiet and efficient 300, 350 and 500mm external rotor fan motors to reach all the products in the refrigerated space. The design combination of induced draft air flow, larger distance between the fan and coil face and the air bypass panel provides very good air throw to reach all corners of the room. CH evaporators are fully wired to reduce installation time and the easy to fold down drip tray allows for quick and easy internal cleaning and on the low temperature models for maintenance of the drip tray defrost heater/s. All Cabero CH evaporators use blue fin coating and 12mm smooth bore thick walled copper tubes to extend the efficient life of the evaporator. CH series evaporators are a good choice to clients wanting to maximize product quality and storage life.