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Cabero Pro Medium Temperature CH4D2/35-1 with EVD Ice

Product code: 3511009


Cabero PRO CH series evaporators have all the features of the CH models plus a fully fitted and wired electronic expansion controller and valve. The controller is IP65 rated which allows it to be fitted inside the evaporator. The Carel EVD Ice control and expansion valve provide improved refrigeration performance and energy savings at the same time. Electronic expansion valves close 100% so a liquid line solenoid is not required. Where power failures are expected to occur an Ultracap can be added as an accessory to drive the valve closed in the event of a power failure. The Ultracap is simply mounted with the controller and plugs into the existing IP65 rated plug. Commissioning time is significantly reduced as the controller requires only two digital input from the user. Simply select the refrigerant type and the required superheat and the setup is complete. Mechanical TX valves which require the system to be close to design temperature before the superheat can be set, electronic expansion valves do not. Controller includes a digital display of the superheat and of any faults to make maintenance and fault find quick and easy. Energy savings of more than 15% can be achieved by allowing the condensing pressure / temperature to float down with the ambient temperature as electronic expansion valves are not dependant on pressure drop like mechanical TX valves.

Cabero Pro Medium Temp with EVD Ice
Cabero Pro Medium Temp with EVD Ice