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Desolv Mini-Split Evaporator Coil Cleaning Kit

Product code: 3209145

Available to Trade Account holders in maXShop in maX


Desolv Cleaning Kit designed to use to deep clean the indoor evaporator of mini-split A/C units that are located in areas where wall and floor protection are necessary. Kit is reusable. Desolv Solution and Funnel Bags are also sold separately. The replacement funnel bags are for single use only. Completely biodegradable formula presents very little hazard to people, animals, aquatic life, and vegetation. Unlike strong acid and alkaline coil cleaners, this heavy duty product will not chemically attack (corrode) coils, surrounding metal, other HVAC equipment components or application equipment.

Desolv Mini-Split Evaporator Coil Cleaning Kit
Desolv Mini-Split Evaporator Coil Cleaning Kit