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LAUFEN Palomba Counter Basin 900x420mm No Taphole White

Product code: 9503651

LAUFEN Palomba Collection

The PALOMBA COLLECTION is described as the 'fingerprint of nature'. The Italian design duo describe the range as hovering between geometrical and organic forms. The Counter Basin, will sit proudly on top of your bathroom bench, bearing the visual signature of Roberto and Ludovica. Swiss brand LAUFEN has been collaborating with the world's leading designers since 1892 to make ground breaking bathroom ceramics a reality. The innovative surface finish LAUFEN Clean Coat offers an abrasion resistant finish, reduces cleaning effort, improves hygiene and increases product life.

LAUFEN Palomba Counter Basin 900x420mm No Taphole White
LAUFEN Palomba Counter Basin 900x420mm No Taphole White

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At the heart of Swiss bathroom culture since 1892, the LAUFEN name is synonymous with beauty, craftsmanship and perfection of form - qualities that continue to define LAUFEN as one of the world's most desired bathroom brands. Partnering with outstanding architects and designers, LAUFEN creates bathroom products that express emotion, purity and harmony, while continually pushing the limits of technical possibility to create ground-breaking new ideas expressed through ceramics.