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Posh Domaine 1800mm Oval White Contour Spa with 14 Chrome Flush Jets and Touch Pad Heat Pump

Product code: 1792690

Available to Trade Account holders in maXShop in maX

Posh Domaine

The Posh Domaine Oval Spa Bath with 14 jets is a great and affordable spa bath, bringing a contemporary design and much needed relaxation to the family bathroom.

Posh Domaine 1800mm Oval White Contour Spa with 14 Chrome Flush Jets and Touch Pad Heat Pump
Posh Domaine 1800mm Oval White Contour Spa with 14 Chrome Flush Jets and Touch Pad Heat Pump

Posh Forever Bathrooms
Posh - What does Forever Mean

Posh lives in thousands of homes in Australia and it has since 1993. It fits the daily life of generations of families.