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Rinnai Energysaver 1005FTSN Natural Gas

Product code: 2042667

Rinnai Energy Saver

A real breath of fresh air. With a minimum energy efficiency rating of 4.8 Stars, our range of Energysaver heaters outperform almost all other forms of heating. Ideal for those susceptible to allergies or respiratory problems, these heaters send out warm, clean air and create zero emissions into the room. Packed with features including electric thermostat, inbuilt humidifier tray and child lock - the Energysavers are a practical heating solution.

Rinnai Energysaver 1005FTN
Rinnai Energysaver 1005FTN

Rinnai, a leader in hot water, heating & cooling solutions. A trusted household name, providing reliable, high-quality products, ensuring your comfort.