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Roca Inspira Light Round Above Counter Basin 370mm Matte Black

Product code: 9511886

Roca Inspira

Roca Inspira Light Matte Basins feature a stunning thin edge that make a statement and bring the beauty and style of European design to any bathroom. Featuring a round profile, Roca Inspira Light Matte makes European elegance truly accessible.

Adorn 1 vanity with Carrara Tulip handle and Blossom shaving cabinet landscape - Charcoal Oak
Adorn 1 vanity with Carrara Tulip handle and Blossom shaving cabinet landscape - Charcoal Oak

Roca - Rimless Technology
Roca - Brand Video

Inspired by design and driven by the passion of its Spanish heritage, Roca has been shaping bathroom design for over 100 years.