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SDS Masonry Drill Bit 5 x 160mm

Product code: 6320015


Sutton Tools 2xCut Masonry drill bits are professional quality, 30% faster than conventional SDS drills. For concrete, brick, aerated concrete, stone & granite. The patented destructor carbide tip feature an aggressive Z-shape self centering point and wavy cutting edges for superior destruction capacity. The half-round spiral accelerates dust extraction away from the tip, while the square spiral combines compression channel with a depression chamber for perfectly controlled dust removal.

PGM: Conforms to PGM international standards guaranteeing perfect geometry for the precise drilling and preferred setting of your anchor studs. It is recommended to use only drill bits with this marking for anchor fixings to prevent accidents and liability cases.

SDS Masonary Drill Bil
SDS Masonary Drill Bil