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Methven Aio Aurajet Wall Shower Short Arm Chrome (3 Star)

Product code: 2285644

Methven Aio

A triumph of imagination, the Methven Aio Aurajet Wall Shower convention with its intriguing minimalist appearance and exclusively engineered Aurajet technology. Creating an efficient, luxuriously wide and even fan-like spray, the Aio Aurajet Wall Shower on a Short arm will transform your showering experience.

Aio Aurajet Wall Shower Short Arm Chrome (3 Star)
Aio Aurajet Wall Shower Short Arm Chrome (3 Star)

Recognised globally for state-of-the-art showers and tapware, New Zealand's Methven helps people create spaces that fully enrich their day-to-day lives. Through clever design, Methven enhances the moment of escape that calms the mind and revitalises the body.