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Life has a lot to offer and our state of mind changes by the day. GROHE’s Rainshower SmartActive technology is designed to help you slip into your required mindset. Three essential settings, including Jet, ActiveMassage and Rain, help to energise, restore and calm you at the touch of a button.

Reece Grohe apartment smart active


Focused on sustainability


Innovation leader


The highest quality


Zeitgeist design

grohe feature tapware3


Enjoy an exceptionally diverse range of tapware that deliver the ultimate comfort. A harmony of precision engineering and simple beauty.

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Our full range of modern 'cosmopolitan', timeless 'contemporary', and simply 'authentic' style tapware offers you exactly the right tapware to match your needs and your taste. And you will want your kitchen tapware to stay looking as good as the day it was installed.

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Designed like no other

Performance plus stunning design at a price point you wouldn't expect.