An assortment of solenoid valves and boxes to suit.
A variety of smart controllers and accessories.
A range of sensors to optimise your irrigation system.
Cable for irrigation wiring solutions.
The key components you need to function an effective irrigation system, including smart controllers, solenoid valves, weather stations, rain sensors, flow sensors, valve boxes and wiring cable.
Irrigation Controllers
Help your lawn and garden look it's best all year round with a world class irrigation system and smart irrigation control. Let technology do all the hard work for you with a Weathermatic Irrigation Control. Optimise your irrigation system with a Weathermatic irrigation sensor. These Weathermatic irrigation sensors save you time and money with a built-in rain sensor and up to 450 metres line of sight. The freeze sensor saves you from watering your lawn when the temperature is below 3 degrees.
Solenoid Valves
We offer an arrangement of solenoid valves and boxes to suit with all relevant specifications and technical information to make installation simple and easy. Try our irrigation cable from Rain Bird, Hunter and Weathermatic that are essential for completing the irrigation wiring solutions for your landscaping projects and irrigation jobs.
Irrigation Controller Spare Parts
After a spare part or hard to find product? Our friendly staff can assist with you irrigation control needs.